Why Carbon Direct?




Max Yancho

Max Yancho

Forest Carbon Geospatial Scientist

Forest Ecology and Management + Geospatial Analysis + Data Science

Max uses remote sensing and geospatial data & analysis to better understand forest carbon projects around the world. His work includes offering expert analysis of forest carbon project design, forest science, methodological applications, and project performance.

Max’s career has focused on exploring the intersection of remote sensing and forest science, particularly as it pertains to forest carbon projects. He has experience working with a variety of sensors and data to quantify land use and land cover change, biomass, forest structure, and species composition for forests around the world. 

Before Carbon Direct, Max’s career path included work as a consulting forester and remote sensing expert, helping clients make scientifically informed decisions. This includes notable work for the international NGO, Blue Ventures, where he served as the lead developer for a cloud-based mangrove forest remote sensing tool that enabled local stakeholders to map their mangrove conservation and restoration efforts. More recently, Max was a Forest Carbon Scientist at the green tech start-up, Pachama, where he used remote sensing to evaluate established forest carbon projects as well as contributed to the development of proprietary remote sensing tooling used for both project evaluation and new project development. Other published works include the development of a novel 3D individual tree detection algorithm using drone data.


MSc, Forest Remote Sensing
University of British Columbia

BSc, Forestry
Michigan State University